Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the following six positions 2 co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and up to six general members who will be elected from the members of the Investigator Group.

Co-Chairs: Prof. Amanda Ullman & A/Prof. Richard McGee

Past Chairs: Dr. Sarah McNab & Prof. Peter Vuillermin

Committee Members: Dr. David Tickell & Dr. Cameron Grant


Executive Committee Process

Executive Committee positions are elected by the Investigator Group by secret ballot (majority vote). Executive Committee members can be proposed by members of the Investigator Group or the membership at large.

Positions on the Executive Committee are held for two-year terms. Once a Chair has stepped down, they will serve as Past Chair for two years.

Executive Committee meetings are held at least on a biannual basis, and otherwise as often as needed, to conduct business in person or by electronic means.

The Executive Committee is responsible for:

  • keeping accurate minutes of Executive Committee and Investigator Group meetings and presenting these to the Steering Committee
  • developing regulations and guidelines
  • developing the general research agenda of the network
  • administering any funds that come into CIRCAN directly and providing an annual audited financial report
  • setting the agenda of meetings of the Investigator Group
  • communicating with members via biannual emails and updates of the website
  • maintaining membership lists (email address list) and updating the membership list on an annual basis
  • reviewing new proposed studies within the Executive Committee or via two reviewers appointed by the Executive Committee (Guidelines for Authorship and Publications)
  • reviewing proposals for publication or presentations based on data collected, or to be collected, as part of CIRCAN
  • reviewing CIRCAN studies in progress on a biannual basis.

The Executive Committee may establish topic specific working groups (eg. Research Education Working Group) comprising Investigator Group members and members at large as the need arises.